Compact keyboards

  • People with mild motor dysfunctions such as B. tremors or spastic paralysis.
  • People with limited range of motion of the extremities, for finger/headstick users and people suffering from dysmelia.

Versions (each with height-adjustable and removable cover plate)

  • Right-hand version without palm rest, without numeric keypad
  • Right-handed variant with palm rest, without numeric keypad
  • Right-hand version without palm rest, with integrated numeric keypad
  • Right-handed variant with palm rest, with integrated numeric keypad
  • Left-handed variant without palm rest, without numeric keypad
  • Left-handed variant with palm rest, without numeric keypad
  • Left-handed variant without palm rest, with integrated numeric keypad
  • Left-handed variant with palm rest, with integrated numeric keypad

Furthermore, all keyboard types are available with extra-large lettering suitable for the visually impaired, either black engraving on a light key cap or white engraving on a black key cap ( inverse ).
